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Weekend Getaway

Province Town


Province Town

We had the chance to share our first beachfront weekend with our neighbors at Cape Cod, MA.

//  barefoot walk through the sand dunes east of Provincetown, to the Atlantic shoreline

//  barefoot walk through the sand dunes east of Provincetown, to the Atlantic shoreline

Living in New York City does not often leave residents with a sense that they live on a coastal city. The cities' industries and the daily activities do not acknowledge a reliance on, or an appreciation of the Atlantic and its resources.

Provincetown, MA was a truly unique and relaxing weekend getaway. The town is a collage of cottage-like architecture, organized along the shoreline of the Cape Cod Bay. The experience from within and without are both stimulating, from morning coffee on your personal beachfront balcony to the numerous boutique shops and restaurant establishments on Commercial St.

//  Atlantic Ocean, and some seals fishing off the shore

//  Atlantic Ocean, and some seals fishing off the shore

// sand dunes outside of Provincetown

// sand dunes outside of Provincetown

We bought groceries at the farmers market on Saturday morning and grilled dinner later that evening on the beach.
